World Missions
WOMI is partnering with Afri-Missons in Abjua, Nigeria is reaching the unreached, the overlooked and those who are economically challenged. WOMI has a short-term vision to plant churches, invest in children’s education, and provide food and medial relief. Our long-term vision is to continue our work expanding beyond Nigeria into selected parts of the African continent. We envision providing sustainability for those who we are ministering to.
Our efforts are being realized and accomplished by providing 6 motorcycles to Afri-Missons to transport food items, gospel literature and other humanitarian items to the economically challenged people of Nigeria. WOMI also provides financial aid to help relief the efforts of poverty, terrorism, and other challenges the farmers and their families face in northern Nigeria. We are moving forward into the future bringing hope to the least, lost, and the last of Nigeria and beyond.
WOMI in conjunction with several Western and European humanitarian agencies have partnered together to provide food, medical aid, shelter, refugee assistance, and other life sustaining provisions during the Russian Ukrainian war. WOMI will continue to support these partners with financial and practical aid long after the war has ended.
For over 20 years, WOMI has provided physical and spiritual aid to the people of Cuba. WOMI has participated in food distribution, medical aid, gospel literature printing, church planting, Covid relief, and many humanitarian projects. WOMI has partnered with both in country and Western missions’ agencies in providing disaster relief from flooding and hurricanes. WOMI is continuously reaching the Children and Youth of Cuba via our local church that we strongly support in Placetas, Cuba. WOMI is providing hope to the future generations of young Cubans.
WOMI is making a tremendous difference and giving hope to a nation that is in a historical transition.